The African Development Bank and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Morocco have jointly carried...
Since March of 2020, Moroccan companies have been forced, due to exceptional circumstances, to...
À l’instar d’autres pays du monde, la pandémie de Covid-19 a évolué au Maroc d’une crise sanitaire...
Like other countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved in Morocco from a health...
It is currently confirmed that, in a country like Morocco, the unemployment rate increases with the...
The objective of this study is to better characterize the phenomenon of entrepreneurship among the...
This report presents the analyses, results and recommendations of a study on entrepreneurship...
The objective of this study is to verify the validity and stability of Okun's law for the case of...
Integration into the job market can be conditioned by the existence of a diploma or lack thereof...
The objective of this note is to analyze the main characteristics of the Moroccan labor market, in...