Rabat, December 5th, 2023 – The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Morocco and the African...
Tunis, November 13, 2023 - During the Global Entrepreneurship Week (November 13 to 17, 2023), the Ta...
The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Morocco, in collaboration with the African Development Bank...
As part of its commitment to promoting productive employment in Africa and the implementation of its...
Over a year ago, on June 8, 2022, high-level representatives of the governments of Egypt, Morocco...
The Economic Commission on Africa (ECA) North Africa office held a webinar on May 17, 2023 in Rabat...
"Plastic bags are useful on average for five minutes … and have a lifespan of 400 years," says Ahmed...
La question de l’emploi est un sujet de premier plan en Afrique du Nord. La zone affiche un taux de...
La déclaration conjointe baptisée « l’appel de Rabat », signée par le Maroc et la Tunisie pour...
Après deux jours d'échanges sur l'emploi, l'entrepreneuriat et les TPME, un Appel de Rabat a été...