A webinar to connect African and Japanese women entrepreneurs for knowledge sharing and networking...
Over a year ago, on June 8, 2022, high-level representatives of the governments of Egypt, Morocco...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has revealed the winners and runners-up...
The Economic Commission on Africa (ECA) North Africa office held a webinar on May 17, 2023 in Rabat...
Egypt will host the 8th edition of the Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF)...
Female Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, and Mozambique...
La Société financière internationale (SFI) a publié, en collaboration avec Viva Technology, le Top...
Quatre startup-purs ont eu l’occasion de présenter leurs projets innovants aux représentants des...
16,2 % des dirigeants des entreprises au Maroc sont des femmes, indique l'Observatoire marocain de...