From Adil Khalis
Gouvernement du Maroc et Banque africaine de développement

This report presents the analyses, results and recommendations of a study on entrepreneurship initiatives and stakeholders in Morocco. It is part of the discussion of new priorities for the implementation of the Government's Program for the remaining period of the government mandate, where a focus was placed on the question of the need to breathe new life into the national entrepreneurial dynamic, given its impact on the competitiveness of the national economy, job creation and youth development.

The study, carried out by Adil Khalis, an expert specialized in entrepreneurship and business development issues, and led by the the Head of Government Services over the period between May and September of 2019, was carried out to establish a diagnosis of the initiatives and stakeholders of entrepreneurship as well as the proposal of a roadmap marked by quicks-wins to develop the entrepreneurial dynamic in Morocco, as a cross-cutting issue involving several public and non-state stakeholders.